Google Analytics Analysis - Maroon Digital

The following screenshots represent data that has been accumulated on this blog since its creation. The data was accumulated via a Google Analytics tracking code which has been connected to the blog.

Date range of data: Feb 20th – Feb 26th

There was a total of 52 visitors to the site. With a returning rate of 44.7%. To find out where they came from we will view the acquisition tab.

Most visitors came to my blog site via direct source and social source equally (social slight majority). These sources were due to my posting of the blog link on the DBS website, as well as sending links to classmates.

The behavioural overview tab shows the site got a total of 528 page views with an average time on page of 00:02:03. The bounce rate was at 47.31%.

The page with the most views was unsurprisingly the home page (76 views) and 14.39% of the total views. The blog post pages received an average of 32 views.

Besides these statistics, Google Analytics provides many other methods of analysing a websites performance for efficient optimization.


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